Who are you?!

I finally took the plunge to launch a website that serves as an outlet to showcase my photography portfolio and a blog. If you’re familiar with me, then you know that in the past I have created and run many blogs before; starting from Xanga, Blogspot, Wordpress, and Tumblr.

I figured the best way to start off a blog is with a quick “About Me” by answering some of the most common “Get to know me” questions. Lets kick it off.

1.) Who is your hero?

If we are talking fictional, I would say the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles just because they are the most chill California lifestyle New Yorkers ever. 

If we are talking real life heroes, as corny and cliche it may sound, my dad is my hero. Growing up, we were total opposites and I never thought I would ever want to be like him. But now, at my age I see so much of who I am as a person all comes from my dad. Rest in Peace, dad. I love and miss you.

2.) If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

From all the places I’ve traveled to, which honestly is not a lot of places, I would want to live in New York. I’ve lived in the Bay Area all my life and it will always be home to me, but I really feel like my lifestyle and personality is meant to be in New York.

3.) What is your biggest fear?

I have the biggest and worst deathliest fears of snakes. At this point, its beyond fear. Would that mean its a phobia? I can’t even handle seeing pictures of snakes and I am even hella afraid of toy rubber snakes. You can miss me with all of that.

4.) What would you change about yourself if you could?

Honestly, nothing really. I’m pretty proud and content with who I am. If I really had to pick something, I really wish I could push myself to use my full potential in everything. I’m a pretty passionate person in a lot of things and possess knowledge and skill to do all the cool creative things I can think of, I just get too lazy to actually put in the work to execute these things. Thats why it took me FOREVER just to open a website.

5.) What really makes you angry?

Assumptions. I really hate it when people have assumptions about me or anything without having any sorts of context or knowledge of the thing they want to scrutinize. Stop being ignorant and read the room.

6.) What motivates you to work hard?

Fun, creativity, and sharing. I’m all about work hard to play harder, but have fun while you’re working. I think its all about balance. Find something to make your work fun, so you don’t end up hating it. Creativity is a motivator to me, because creating anything keeps your brain sharp and helps you express yourself in ways you never imagined. Creating stuff is the best gift you can give back to this Earth. Lastly, I love to share and give to people that mean something to me. I’m a person that enjoys spoiling my friends and family. Money is always going to be there, so why not share it with your loved ones.

7.) If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?

Spend an entire day with all my closest friends and family on some secluded Island get a way all while being wined and dined with everything and anything that our heart’s desire.

8.) What would you sing at Karaoke night?

"I’ll Make Love To You” by Boyz 2 Men. You’d be surprised at how this song can get an entire Karaoke bar going. This song is sexy and romantic as fuck. Don’t be surprised if you get a random woman singing and dancing on you on stage. Thank me later.

9.) If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A5 Wagyu Ribeye with a side of grilled vegetables and an ice cold glass of Kool-Aid. Can’t forget the shave ice for dessert.

10.) Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not?

I love and hate surprises equally. I love them, because somebody went out of their way and thought about me to get me something; I don’t care what it is, I already love it. I hate surprises, because I feel like I look really really stupid and awkward at the moment, even if it wasn’t a surprise.


Las Vegas ‘24