I broke my blog posting consistency streak. I apologize for not having a post last week, for any of those that actually look forward to reading these. The reason I didn’t get a new blog post out was because my girlfriend and I went on a camping trip over the weekend, for a mini family reunion with my Mom’s side of the family. More details and pictures soon to come on next week’s blog post.

So, for this week’s post will be a recap of a Day Date with my girlfriend at the SFMOMA. I recently acquired a membership to SFMOMA. This is something I been wanting to enroll in for a while now, but I finally pulled the trigger. The best part of the membership is, I got a year subscription on discount for being a “Working Artist". Anyone can apply for this discount, as long as you have a form of proof of your artistic work; Social Media accounts do not count. I was so glad I launched my website and have my portfolio, because thats what I submitted and was approved for the discount that same day I had applied.

We both really wanted to see the Yayoi Kusama exhibit. The weekend we went was the LAST weekend the exhibit was available to see, so I figured we arrive at the museum early to try and get limited same day tickets. As we were pulling up to the parking lot, my girlfriend saw the line and said, “The line is HELLA long”. As soon as she said that, my heart dropped and figured we wouldn’t get a chance to get tickets to the exhibit. We stood in line for about a half an hour before the museum opened. As soon as it opened, I rushed over to the ticketing desk to see if they had any available tickets. The desk clerk said, “Oh no, we’re all out of tickets”. I sadly accepted the fate that we wouldn’t get to see it. But then suddenly, that same desk clerk said, “Actually… Are you able to go right now?” I instantly said, “Hey, we can go at whatever time today”. Then, BOOM, they gave us two tickets for the first showing of the day. I was sooooo stoked!

So, we take the elevator to the floor where the exhibit was. To be completely honest, I thought it was a bit underwhelming. It was basically two big boxes you can walk inside of with these really cool light fixtures. Everyone was allowed only two minutes to take as many photos in each of the boxes. Don’t get me wrong, it was still dope nonetheless, and I was able to get some dope shots. Just, kinda felt rushed and was expecting more installations to the experience. We did also get to see the polka-dotted pumpkins by Yayoi Kusama, those were really dope also.

We also got to check out the newest exhibit, “Art of Noise”. I really enjoyed this exhibit, because it was basically all things music. They featured a HUGE collection of show posters from the Fillmore. For those of you that are not familiar with the legendary Fillmore, it is a music venue here in San Francisco and they are known to have some of the illest posters given out for free after every show they host. Other than concert posters the exhibit had archival musical instruments and music playing devices.

We didn’t get to go through the entire museum on this visit, because we were getting hangry, so we went to Japantown. We have three more floors to explore and soak in on our next visit. As a member of the SFMOMA, I get unlimited visits and get to bring one guest for free for the entire year. So, we are totes looking forward to many many more museum dates. Check out some of my other personal favorite installations we saw on this visit below. Til the next one, enjoy.


Galing Galans Camp Trip ‘24.


Bay to Breakers ‘24.