Galing Galans Camp Trip ‘24.

Two weeks ago I went on a highly anticipated and long awaited camping trip with my mom’s side of my family. For those of you that know, this is NOT an easy feat. My family is pretty massive and spread out all over the world, so just to be able to get everyone to coordinate, communicate, and agree to something is a miracle in its own. Shout out to cousin Beng for being the coordinating master for this entire trip.

But just as a quick recap, this trip was a success! Unfortunately, not ALL of us were here. The next trip will definitely be bigger and better with all of the other cousins that we missed on this trip. This first one just proves that we are CAPABLE of doing it. So, I am hoping we keep this going.

The whole trip was full of soaking up the sun, laughs, catching up, a healthy amount of drinking, and just all around good times with the family. It’s already hard enough to get us all together because theres so many of us and also everyone is busy these days. So anytime something like this happens, I get stoked and just want to drop everything and clear my calendars just to make sure I can be part of it.

The main highlight of this trip definitely had to be my whole River Tubing debacle. First off, for somebody that cannot swim and has the tendency to freak out in the water, this was a very ballsy and gutsy move for me. Long story short, my girlfriend and I went tubing down the river. I got tossed of my tube and got swept away by the current. All while losing an iPhone 15 Pro; that I am STILL paying off, the tube itself, and being trampled on a bunch of rocks at the bottom of the river. I eventually gave up trying to save my phone and started to flail around thinking I was swimming to save my life. But, good thing Justine was there for me to grab onto to basically save my life. I could’ve been swept away for HELLA long. Better lost my phone rather than possibly being in more danger. I didn’t think I was injured or anything and came out unscathed. But, for sure an hour later my entire body just felt it was run over by a truck. The next few days, I had all these nasty bruises all over both of my legs and my knees were going through some excruciating pain. As the time I am writing and publishing this blog post, for the most part the bruising is gone, but one of my knees is still pretty swollen and tender.

Don’t get me wrong, everything else was a great time just up until that point. Felt good to be disconnected for the next day and a half out in the woods. Just to wrap things up, just wanted to give a shout out to the entire Galan family that showed up and made it a great weekend. I loved catching up and hanging with you all, especially seeing a few of you that I haven’t seen in such a long time. Love you all and hope we can turn this into a regular thing!

Here are a bunch of the photos I was able to capture through out the weekend. I will admit, I think I totally suck at taking outdoorsy photos. Which, I will work on practicing on more. Also, shout out to my cousin David for snapping some of the pictures as I was in the river drifting away! Hope you all enjoy.


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