The Improviser.

I was randomly scrolling through Instagram and then I got caught by an Instagram story that said take a quick quiz to find out your “Photographer Personality”. So, I figured why not?! Sure enough, I had to provide my email address to get my results, and of course now I am stuck with getting unwarranted spam emails. Just to clear the record, I do NOT consider myself as a photographer by any means! Just a guy that likes to take pictures of stuff that I think looks cool. I shoot photos for me and to my aesthetic, kudos to anyone that enjoys my work. Now, let’s get into my “Photographer Personality”.

This quiz was giving off Myers Brigss personality quiz vibes. If you haven’t taken that quiz yet, you should check it out. I’m an ENFJ personality, which I think ties into my “Photographer Personality” of being an “Improviser”. Not only does my “Photographer Personality” match my shooting style, it pretty much sums up how I handle life. I do agree with majority of what they had to say about the way I shoot. My “Photographer Personality” is what makes me not consider myself as a “true” photographer. Though I do know the “rules” of composition to make a captivating photo, I don’t like to tie myself to strictly following those “rules”, because I feel it takes out the fun of shooting and would create overthinking and missing the shot. Also, if everyone followed these “rules”, there will be a lack of creativity and differentiation amongst different photographers’ photos because everyone would be following the same formula.

I am not trying to discredit or shit on any photographers that stick to the “rules”. Thats what works for them, and I found what works for me. As I mentioned before, I shoot for my aesthetic first and foremost. So, I am not afraid of trying a different and unconventional POV to get a shot that I think would look cool. Just as the late and great Bob Ross said, “There are no mistakes, just happy accidents”. This is what Guniguni means to me; being able to put your imagination into your work and make it your own flavor.

There are no mistakes, just happy accidents.
— Bob Ross

Now, this statement is what struck the hardest with me. I am always troubleshooting my settings while I shoot, because I’m always indecisive with how I want the shot to look like. You will always catch me fiddling with the camera dials because 1.) For the life of me, I have such a hard time memorizing how the “Exposure Triangle” works and 2.) I like to have options with how the colors and lighting works. So, if you ever see me fixated on one scene and I’m taking HELLA shots of the same thing; don’t mind me, I am NOT a photographer.

So, I hope this helps teach you something about photography and my style of shooting. Lastly, just know I am not limiting myself to strictly this “personality” of shooting. I am fully capable of shooting in all sorts of ways, this just happens to be my dominant style. Just like everything in life, take this with a grain of salt and take what you need. Don’t package yourself up in one box, be a jack of all trades and be in all the boxes.

If you’re interested in taking either the Myers Briggs or “Photographer Personality” quizzes, click the links below:


Who are you?! pt. 2


Las Vegas ‘24