Who are you?! pt. 2

So, the original content I had planned out for today got totally fucked up. Either my card reader, or the USB ports on my current laptop are totally malfunctioning and wiped out the data that was saved in one of my memory cards. Meaning, I lost a bunch of photos. I am pretty devastated by that and very nervous for future projects.

But, good thing I had some backup content ready. This week is just going to be a filler post with more of those random questions I answered to get to know me better. I actually found a lot of those questions interesting, thats why I ended up answering a bunch; just breaking them down in segments.

Lastly, the photos featured this week are just a bunch of random film pics I had scanned. Nothing fancy or artsy, just some stuff from a b-roll. Hope you enjoy.

Shot on Fujifilm Natura Classica with Cinestill 800T 35mm film.

11.) Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job? And why?

If having a perfect job is getting paid a shit ton of money while having a perfect work-life balance, then sign me the fuck up. If I won the Lottery, I’m sure I can blow all that cash out in the blink of an eye. Don’t test me.

12.) Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island?

Macguyver if he was real. That man would be able to make anything and it would work. We living lavishly.

13.) If money was no object, what would you do all day?

Hangout with friends and family eating, drinking, and buying them whatever we want. If you made it this far, have you caught on to a trend yet?

14.) How would your friends describe you?

I would hope they would say something along the lines of: Chill, Happy go lucky, and caring.

15.) Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?

Music and dancing. I can’t stand silence, and I always have a random spurt of dancing ALL THE TIME.

16.) List two pet peeves.

Waiting and ignorance. Don’t get me started.

Shot on Ilford 35 Sprite with Kodak Gold 35mm film.

17.) Where do you see yourself in five years?

Hopefully married, working a career that lets me be creative, all while living in a really dope spot.

18.) How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Way too fucking many. It is a sad sick addiction I have had since I was in the second grade. I can’t kick the addiction, please sign me up for rehab and send help immediately.

19.) What's your favorite zoo animal?

None, Zoos should be abolished.

20.) If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be?

My dad, grandma, grandpa, and Anthony Bourdain. Simple as that.   


Digi Cam Era.


The Improviser.