Who shoots the shooter?!

Have you ever thought, “Who Shoots The Shooter?” I know I have. I always wondered who photographs the photographer, or is it hard for a photographer to find a photographer to shoot photos of them, and is a self portrait shot by a photographer, is that still considered a “selfie”? Yeah, thats a lot going on and a pretty loaded bunch of questions. Let’s get to it.

Shot on Fujifilm XT-30II, TTartisan 25mm F/2.

Let me paint the picture for you. Two weekends ago, my girlfriend asked me to shoot some product shots for her flower business to promote on her website and her Instagram. So, I figured why not to brush up on some portrait shots to compliment the product shots. I really try to come up with an assignment for myself to work on whenever I try to shoot. The assignment I gave myself was to practice portrait work and also to work on self portraits, whether it be through a self timer or the remote feature through my cell phone. I won’t be talking about the product shots, because I feel product shots come off pretty straight forward. Drop a comment down below if you want me to share those product shots.

Shot on Fujifim XT-30II, TTartisan 25mm F/2.

For this shoot, I brought my entire portable load out. So that consisted of my super portable tripod, both my XF35mm and TTartisan 25mm lenses, my lens filter sets, and a lens hood. This leads me to circle back on the question, “Who Shoots The Shooter?” I was able to shoot all these photos on my own. We originally were going to do the self timer option, but then I remembered that there is a remote feature with my camera that I can see the framing and composition that my camera is capturing through my phone. So, I was able to make all the adjustments I needed through my phone. The only tough parts were 1.) adjusting the focus, because my 25mm lens is a manual focus lens and does not have autofocus, and 2.) the remote feature works so much better on wifi in tandem with bluetooth, but I was working only with bluetooth which made shooting a little laggy.

Shot on Fujifim XT-30II, TTartisan 25mm F/2.

Overall, I thought this was a really fun exercise to practice with. I am really happy with the end result, even though I was SUPER skeptical with the outcome. As lame as it may sound, you have to trust the process and have confidence in your skill that you can achieve what you imagined. To answer the question about shooting the shooter, I think they can have a fellow photographer shoot their photos; they will just have to take into consideration that the end result may be different than they expect, because each photographer has a different style and aesthetic. But, if you, as a photographer want a certain outcome you envision, I totally think you could shoot your own self portraits.

I’ll end my absolutely grammatically horrendous rant here. For those of you that have taken the time to read my weekly content, THANK YOU SO MUCH and I appreciate you all. I honestly write these weekly blogs as entertainment and sort of like a journal? But, enough words, here are the rest of the photos. Enjoy.


Mother Knows best.


The Inaugural First Thursdays.