Inaugural diplo Run Club ‘24.

Running is a basic ingredient for your health, just as much as eating and sleeping, but going out for a run by yourself and taking a moment to think also creates a certain peace.
— Phil Knight

I wish I could agree and resonate with the above quote from the legendary CEO and Co-Founder of Nike, Phil Knight. But, over this past weekend, I ended up partaking in an activity that I truly have a deep burning loathing for. My best friends and I ran the inaugural Diplo Run Club event in San Francisco. The upside to the whole ordeal was getting to run with my friends and go to a mini Rave with Diplo at the finishline.

Mind you, I have not ran a distance like this in a very long time. The last time I ran like this was hella years ago at the Color Run in Oakland. I barely did any prep for this, I probably only ran three times to “train” for this one. Overall, I was not disappointed with my run time of 41 minutes. I had my own personal gripes about this whole event, but we won’t be getting into that. Let’s just say that 13k+ attendees is NOT a run club, thats like a massive marathon attendance. I thought it was really dope that they allowed us to run through the Giants Stadium as part of the course. Sadly, I didn’t make it onto any of the race photos that were taken; probably because I looked like I was suffering in agony and the photographers figured I was not an ideal person to photograph. This wasn’t a serious running event at all. Tons of people were there just to party and vibe. Also, my friends and I pregamed before the event and figured just to have fun with it. But, I also wanted to take it somewhat seriously and push myself to see how well I could do. At the end of it all, I still realized how much I hate running. So, for anyone that plans on asking me to join them on a run, please don’t do so for maybe another couple of years. Also, to all the avid run clubbers and run club influencers, I don’t hate you guys; I was just poking some fun at it and I encourage you guys to keep doing what you’re doing as long as its your passion and you find the amusement in it for you.

Pretty bummed I didn’t at least bring my digi-cam to snap some pictures, I forgot to charge it. So, just enjoy these few photos I took with my iPhone. Until the next one!


Archive Dump Vol. 2


T2 x 1amsf Team Building Event.