Progression: Achieved

I know my last couple of posts have been somewhat lack luster and a lot of ranting about my insecurities and lack of confidence of taking the plunge into this photography business stuff. But, this past weekend I got to push myself out of my boundaries and build some confidence in my craft and work. I was honored to shoot my good friends’ Wedding Garden Party. Not to toot my own horn, but I love every photo that I was able to work on and capture for this event.

Shot on: Fujifilm XT-30II, XF 16mm F/1.4.

So, I was hired to do this gig about 2-3 weeks prior. I was definitely flattered that I was trusted to shoot such an important memorable moment for them. Initially, I was nervous and second guessing whether to do it or not, because I was filled with so much doubt that I would be able to capture something that they would love. But, I figured this would be a great time to build that confidence, learn, and get that practice I so desperately need. I drafted up my first ever service agreement contract; which is so tedious and absolutely not the fun part at all of owning and starting a business. As soon as the contract was signed, I was locked in.

Shot on: Fujifilm XT-30II, XF 16mm F/1.4.

The two weeks leading up to their Wedding Garden Party was just full of soaking up game from all these seasoned veteran photographers. Countless hours of Youtube, Reddit, TikTok, and Instagram for tips and tricks. I got so particular that I was even searching for tips specifically to EVERY piece of equipment that I was planning on using. Overthinking and freaking out to the max? I think, YES. In the end, it was all worth it, because this body of work is the happiest and proudest I have been in myself for a while. I am definitely not saying its perfect or the best work out there. Still got lots of room for improvement. BUT, it is some work I am damn proud of.

I think I nailed it pretty spot on to the aesthetic of what my clients wanted. They wanted a “Gonzo” type of vibe. If you’re not familiar what “Gonzo” style is, the best way I can summarize it is kind of candid and documentative all while creating a sense of immersion. The end result portrays my style and aesthetic, street meets portrait. Even though I undersold myself for this event and should’ve priced my work and services a pinch higher, this gave me the confidence in my work and realization of the amount of time in post production. These are all vital things to learn and grow from to help develop a business.

Check out some of my personal favorites from this event. Hope you all enjoy them. Til the next one.


The Last Battle of the bay.


Feeling Thrifty.